Book a Session with Ariel

It used to be that you had to go to Avalon or Delphi to find a living Oracle Priestess to consult for clear reflection. If you feel unable to see past the immediate situations in your life, into the freedom of greater possibilities, a private session with Ariel will assist you in moving forward with important choices and life decisions.

If you are seeking a high resonance consultation on matters of the heart and soul for which you desire clear reflection and divine guidance, this is a great way to take action. She will help you access insights and wisdom from your own Essence. These sessions are either on Zoom or in person.


Private Sessions with Ariel are mythic exchanges of archetypal presence and empowerment. These 13 Moon archetypal sessions are designed to create a timeless space that assists you in stepping out of a habituated focus and identification in the ego mind, accessing and remembering a more expansive part of self that perceives truth directly from inner knowing! Ariel has a gift for bringing awareness to the gifts, challenges and opportunities that are presenting themselves in your life at this time for your growth. In these sessions, you step together into the mythic, archetypal dimensions of being where archetypal energy heals, catalyzes and transforms at a vibrational level of consciousness.


Currently accepting payment via PayPal
Use your standard credit/debit card, Venmo, or PayPal account to send your offering to Ariel.
Book A Session
Minimum offering is $150