When I go to the wasteland of Netflix or Amazon, I usually end up choosing nothing. I am compiling this list so that you can have at least the names of some films that uplift rather than denigrate human consciousness.
I am defining a movie as mythic if it demonstrates spiritual principles, illuminates, uplifts, reveals, piques, or evokes conscious awareness. Due to my own sensitivities, I have tried to eliminate and/or note those films with violence unless it was not gratuitous and was a part of the revelation in the myth.
If you have other films you wish to have added to this list, please email me with their exact titles and a short blurb like these. I will view them and add them to future versions of this list.
All Movies Alphebetically

Dead Poets Society
A story of the tragic consequences of listening to external authorities and not following your own inner directives and dreams.

Dead Zone
Probable realities and critical choice points, altering future probabilities by acting in the present.

Defending Your Life
A very funny movie about judgment after death, karma, taking responsibility for your actions during your life.

Divine Secrets Of The Yaya Sisterhood
This movie tracks a strong, self empowered female priestess in remembrance, leading a circle of sisters through her powerful expression beginning at the age of 9 or so. Sad, funny, engaging. Really worth seeing!

Same theme as ““Regarding Henryâ€, only with a doctor rather than a lawyer. He learns through his own suffering how to become compassionate and empathetic to the human condition.

Dolphin Tale
An off the charts “feel good†movie about inter-species compassion, communication and a demonstration of what it looks like when we find what “lights us up†in life, and the miracles that flow from finding that place of passion for something. (Based on a true story.)

Don’t Look Up
A brilliant parody of the rampant insanity of our current western cultural paradigm of superficiality, materialism, media control and skewed values. Couched in the metaphor of a comet coming to destroy the Earth, it is actually a thinly veiled cautionary tale about where we are presently headed with climate change if we don’t (look up) stop looking down and make a different choice!!

A story that speaks to communication between dimensions wherein a dead wife is trying to communicate with her husband and the tracking of that quest.

Dream Keeper
Is the adventure of a native American elder story teller who wants to get to Sundance and also to bring his grandson back into the native sacred ways. As they travel, he tells stories that are dramatized while similar things happen to them on their adventure.

Dream With The Fishes
This offbeat and eccentric comedy brings together two people who would otherwise never relate to each other to heal and forgive before death.

Drop Dead Fred
Is a deliciously funny movie about the inter-active nature of different dimensions of imagination and real, in this case with a girl and her imaginary playmate Fred. It is about parenting your inner child to face its fears and to claim its power.

Druid Peak
A film on the redemption of an adolescent bully being healed in nature with a touching focus on wolves. A moving story, beautifully filmed in Yellowstone National Park.

(The books are much better than the movie) about alternate realities, secret mystery orders and lineages, love, power and greed. (Unfortunately the movie focused on violence rather than mythic content as the books are.)

About compassion, inter-stellar acceptance, understanding and friendship.

Edward Scissorhands
A myth showing what happens when people act out of fear of differences, projecting judgment and separation. Honoring each beings’ uniqueness and seeing the beauty of a being’s essence rather than their form.

Elephant Man
Learning to accept differences and perceive the beauty of each beings spiritual essence.

Embrace Of The Serpent
A stunningly evocative, black and white, beautiful and disturbing film about cosmic consciousness, perceptual reality, all times present/radial time, and the destruction of indigenous culture in the Amazon by Christianity and western greed and thus the sad loss of great cosmic wisdom. (a couple of disturbingly horrifying but historically accurate scenes about cannibalism)

Emerald Forest
A beautiful movie about innocence, living in harmony with nature, journeying out of the body, counterpointing vastly different cultural perceptual realities.

A fluffy dragon-rider myth without too much content, but beautiful life like dragons.

Everything And Nothing
A brilliant documentary film with Jim Al-Kalili about quantum physics and the brilliant, querky scientists who persevered through prejudice and ignorance to pursue their truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppFMXqXnL3c&t=16s Also Order and Chaos by the same man is an excellent take on this subject!

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask
A delightfully funny movie by woody allen about this subject.

(Very violent..prepare to cover your eyes a lot) A movie resolving duality through balancing of male and female powers. Great myth. Horrible violence.

Fairy Tale: A True Story
The journey of two young English girls in the early 1900’s who photograph fairies and their attempt to authenticate this discovery with the cynical 3d world.

The story of the struggles and aspirations of talented young beings at the NY school of performing arts.

About the life of a Castrado opera singer with visually stunning cinematography

This is a very moving animated piece about the destruction of the rain forest.

Field Of Dreams
About how dimensions are interactive, learning to clue track pieces in your larger mythic puzzle and live your life mythically. ( Still one of my most treasured movies.)

Finding Forrester
The mentoring of a young, underprivileged writer by a famous and successful writer and the healing that arises through that relationship

Finding Neverland
A story with Johnny Depp playing Peter Pan. A very touching look at this myth in a modern vernacular.

Five People You Meet In Heaven
One of the best films on karma, or kama loca (seeing how others saw the hologram of your life through their eyes) that I’ve yet seen. Presents a great case for offering forgiveness to anyone you feel you have hurt or judged, while you are still alive!

About the bardos directly after death, karma, cosmic justice, and responsibility for all your actions.

Flight Of The Navigator
About believing in magic and the truth that a child speaks in believing all possibilities. (Look closely for great Mayan symbols on the top of the space ship.)

Forrest Gump
A remarkable story of a mother’s profound love for her seemingly retarded son, and his victory in life due to this unending love

Four Seasons
This is a funny film about the evolving relationships of four couples who go together on vacation once a season.

This is about being able to crossover dimensionally and a son being able to talk to his father via a radio. Sounds hokey, but isn’t.

A film about the great Mexican painter, Frida Cahlo, and her belief in her work. An exploration of standing in one’s personal power through creative expression.

Fried Green Tomatoes
The story of a friendship between two women, one in an old folks’ home. A very touching look into the depth of their short relationship.

The story of Mahatma Gandhi and fulfilling one’s destiny in life and living life mythically.

An excellent humorous film about dimensionality and the astral plane. Also about how love is the common thread linking all dimensions.

Ghost Busters
A fun, silly movie about the astral plane.

Goddess Remembered
Goddess worship in ancient times.

Golden Child
A humorous movie about the standard good/evil myth using a young Tibetan master avatar. The footage of the master/child’s eyes is worth the whole movie.

Good Will Hunting
The story of a genius, who, due to his childhood wounding, finds himself being a janitor at a prestigious university. This is about healing this wounding so he can step fully into his genius. A consummate look at what it is to be a masterful counselor.

Grand Canyon
An exploration of the moral aspects of film making and violence; entropy and chaos as it manifests in social systems that are breaking down when they are disconnected from nature and source of their divinity. Looking at miracles, synchronicity, destiny and how dreams interface with this reality.

Greystoke: Tarzan
A story of how deeply imprinted we are by the reality into which we are born, love, living in primal innocence versus arid cultural civility.

Groundhog Day
A self centered TV weatherman who has to keep repeating a day until he finally gets it right. Could be looked at as how parallel realities work.

An absolutely inspiring film about a dog, whose loyalty is heart-warming and a moving model for how unconditional love operates.

Human motivation, self-empowerment. Asks questions of what is sanity/insanity and breaking away from the regular cultural definitions of Self. ( “Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead†is a look at the same myth from two minor characters point of view. Brilliant counterpoint to this)

A very inspiring look at how each action we take has profound consequences.

This documentary movie is about what makes us happy. It is a very good look as well at all the things that promise happiness, that don’t deliver it! Worth watching.

Harold And Maude
About living mythically and fully present. CARPE DIEM!! A delight.

Harry And Tonto
A story of growing old and a man’s love and relationship with his cat.

Cinemagraphically one of the most lush films I’ve ever witnessed. Scenes were done in the four elemental colors (green, red, blue, white). See this on the biggest screen possible. Very impactful.

Hidden Figures
With the early US astronaut/space program as a backdrop, we are shown the lives of three very brilliant African American women and what was required for them to move past the walls of ignorance and enculturated prejudice, to be able to shine the gems of their unique and extraordinary intelligence.

Brilliantly incisive and clear myth about spiritual forgetting and remembrance and the reclamation of the Divine Child within each one of us.

House Of Cards
A strange drama about a young girl who retreats into her mind after witnessing her father fall to his death.

House Of D
A beautiful little story about a thirteen year old boy’s rite of passage becoming a man looking thru the lens of loss and how our journey’s unfold in perfection as we follow ours gifts and the soul threads that are presented in our lives.

Huck and the King Of Hearts
A film looking at the issue of who is more insane,those that have been put in an institution or the actions of a culture that is deemed and agreed upon as sane.

A very imaginative look at the courage of a little boy to fulfill his quest in life. Imagination, persistence, and following the clue trail the Universe leaves for us to do the same in life is laid out.

I Am Legend
We have reached the edge of a new paradigm of simplicity, cooperation, self- responsibility and a new definition of “wealth†that is about community, loving kindness, knowing when enough is enough, without the hoarding or consumerism that has driven a whole culture to the edge of ecocide.