When I go to the wasteland of Netflix or Amazon, I usually end up choosing nothing. I am compiling this list so that you can have at least the names of some films that uplift rather than denigrate human consciousness.
I am defining a movie as mythic if it demonstrates spiritual principles, illuminates, uplifts, reveals, piques, or evokes conscious awareness. Due to my own sensitivities, I have tried to eliminate and/or note those films with violence unless it was not gratuitous and was a part of the revelation in the myth.
If you have other films you wish to have added to this list, please email me with their exact titles and a short blurb like these. I will view them and add them to future versions of this list.
All Movies Alphebetically

Rabbit Proof Fence
A very moving performance about an aboriginal girl escaping a government school and her journey to return to her roots in the Australian the outback.

Radio Flyer
A movie about the natural sensitivity, wisdom and ally-ship of children. About animal totems and guardians energies. The seven great truths we forget from childhood are explored, the most important of which is that we can fly which is the central theme. Awesome acting from the two child protagonists. (There are also several difficult scenes about child and animal abuse.)

Rain Man
The unraveling of how a being who sustained great childhood wounding relates to the world as an “idiot savantâ€.

Regarding Henry
A story of destiny stepping in to totally change someone’s life path. Difficult lessons teaching one to follow the path of the heart.

An amazing rock musical about life in bohemian east village NY, but unlike most musicals, has a satisfying plot line.

A close up view of the gift and difficulties presented by one woman’s paranormal ability to heal others.

Riding Alone For Thousands Of Miles
This Chinese subtitled movie is well worth seeing as a journey of forgiveness between father and son.

Ring Of Bright Water
A family story about a pet otter. Beautiful filming.

Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead
This is a surrealistic look at Hamlet through the eyes of two minor characters who represent the right and the left brain’s approach to life. The fool, or right brain, goes through life discovering the principles of physics “by accidentâ€. While the left brain, thinking mind, dismisses them as unimportant. Watch for the word “tennis matchâ€, it’s my favorite part and this is my favorite movie!

Run Lola Run
Like GROUNDHOG’S DAY, this keeps running a particular day over and over showing how changing one choice creates a totally different outcome.

Saint Ralph
A sweet story about a 13 year old boy who wants a miracle for his mother who is in a coma, and because someone tells him it would take a miracle for him to win the Boston Marathon, he trains for it because he so believes he will win to create that miracle.

Saving Mr. Banks
This film is ostensibly about the back story of how the movie Mary Poppins came into being, but what it is brilliant at demonstrating is how our childhood wounding can be healed with awareness, compassion and mutual vulnerability.

A film about how a boy became an uncompassionate, cold, unfeeling adult, and how he finally found compassion and feeling for others through living life lovingly every day, not just at Christmas. (Best fairy telling the truth award!)

This unforgettable film shows hope for anyone wishing to have a second chance.

Search For Signs Of Intelligent Life In The Universe
Lily Tomlin’s brilliant and witty look at alien life forms.

Secondhand Lions
This very funny film is about two old, cranky men in the backwoods. It is about not judging a book by it’s cover and the value of real love.

Seven Pounds
An incredible look at someone dealing with karma from this life time, in this lifetime , rather than waiting until the next. Some disturbing elements, not good for children.

Seven Years In Tibet
Study of personal growth with a mountaineer who is allowed to befriend the young Dalai Lama and what happens during the Communist regime.

Shakespeare In Love
A look at the Romeo & Juliet theme of unrequited love.

This galvanizing performance of a deeply troubled Australian piano protégé details his rise and fall with fame and his eventual redemption in love.

Shirley Valentine
A very funny film about critical choice points and how we are always at choice no matter how stuck, routine, or boring life may seem to have become.

The story of one man’s mythic quest to discover the meaning of his spiritual life. very slow, more like a painting than a movie.

Silent Running
A movie about artificial earth environments in space due to the destruction of the Earth about taking responsibility and destiny into one’s own hands.

Simon Birch
A poignant look at being “different†and having faith that that difference serves your soul purpose, no matter the appearance. Very touching about the nature of true friendship as well!

About the poet Saul Williams in his life as a street rapper. Cameo’s of his brilliance as a poet.

Snow Cake
An interesting look at an autistic adult, whose unusual perspective brings to light how strangely we are socialized to behave as “normal†folks.

Snow Falling On Cedars
This Japanese film focuses on the trial of a Japanese American for murder. It has some of the most beautiful footage of the budding love between two young people.

Something Wicked This Way Comes
Merging realities, facing fears, issues concerning father/son relationships, what is real and what isn’t the power we give illusions.

Something’S Gotta Give
A performance by Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton that so hilariously points out the differences in values of older love affairs and young and old affairs,A very engaging clash between these archetypes of young and old.

Spirited Away
Japanese anime filmmaker looks at fear and gluttony and how the choices we make effect our reality. (Some disturbing and grotesque imagery. )

..a mermaid myth and her perceptions of our strange Western cultural reality.

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring
It has been a long time since the sheer beauty of a movie has brought me to tears. A deeply spiritual film that looks at loneliness and accountability. The lessons learned are both simple and enigmatic.

Star Trek 1,2,3,4,5
Duality and some fairly accurate aspects of mythic reality. (#6 not recommended)

A story about a delightful alien being who tries to “grok†the weird culture in which we live. From this fresh perspective we see how distorted Westerns values are.

One alienated man’s search for meaning presents alternative realities in the magic theater of the Self. (Herman Hesse)

Stranger Than Fiction
This movie looks at the interface between an author’s mind and what s/he is writing and characters in 3D reality. Though this is totally fictional, it does bring up the point of accountability concerning what writers write.

With Joseph Campbell narrating. Speaking of the Divine Feminine and how it has been venerated over time. A good documentary.

Sword Of The Valiant
A myth about the Celtic Lord of the Greenwood. Hookey,but a good myth.

Temple Grandin
A touching film about the triumph of an autistic girl and her Mother who loved her beyond all reason, into wholeness and functionality in the world.

The Abyss
About extra-terrestrial beings living under the sea and about the power of love.

The Adventures Of Milo And Otis
A family film about a dog named Otis who sets out to rescue his lifelong friend, a cat named Milo. (Japanese) very touching.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
A sweet movie that takes place in India whose theme is breaking cultural patterns and prejudices, believing in oneself and ones dreams and supporting each other’s lives.

The Big Kahuna
A fascinating look at a jaded, sarcastic, male character and how he brilliantly uses language to project, blame and avoid feelings, which has a beautiful apotheosis and blossoming into vulnerability and love by the end.

The Boy Who Could Fly
About believing in magic and valuing special abilities and differences in each of us.

The Boy With Green Hair
An exploration of a young, war orphan’s experience as his hair changes colors, about outcasts, and belonging.

The Buddha
A clear look at the life of the Buddha and what he went through to finally perceive reality as it is,in an evocative style of pastiche with interviews, paintings and sculptures, animation..

The Burning Times
An in depth documentary about the witch burnings in Europe.

The Butchers Wife
A delightful comedy about the ups and downs of a country-raised clairvoyant,misunderstanding accolades and happy endings. Her words, “what I say is not always what people hear†are delivered with punch to an intellectual psychiatrist who counterpoints her simplicity and heart-knowing. A very entertaining and engaging movie.

The Celestine Prophecy
This is an energy 101R film, that beyond its thin duality plot, genuinely educates in a very simple way, the nature of how our subtle energy fields affect each other and about developing intuition and looking at a soul level, at the issue of why we are attracted to someone.

The Chronicles Of Narnia
An entrance into alternate realities and parallel worlds. Aslan, the lion is stunning!

The Doors
An up dated Dionysian myth about the initiation of a magician/high priest in the form of a rock musician who did not know how to ground the potent archetypal energies that flowed through him and had no mythic peers to truly understand who he was, so living out the end of the Dionysian myth in a self destructive tragedy.

The Dream Team
Four mental patients are taken on a field trip into NYC. Delightful and funny performances.

The Fall
An amazingly visually inspiring movie, miraculously catching and segueing the fantasy and “real life†of two hospital patients, 4 year old and a gentleman artist. Touching, brilliant acting.

The Fisher King
A brilliant modern interpretation of the quest for the Grail myth that includes mythic soul healing and a focus on how our destinies are mythically interwoven.

The Fountain
While Mel Gibson’s movie APOCALYPSE totally distorted the Mayan view of the times we’re moving into, in contra distinction, this low budget film brilliantly points to our now walking on the Road of Awe ~ Xibalbabih ~ at this time in human history. An in depth look at multiple lives, dimensionality and “deathâ€.

The Gathering
This astounding documentary takes us on a heart journey with the Aboriginal whale dreamers in their fight to regain their sacred lands from which to call the whales.

The Gods Must Be Crazy
A silly film about how one Coke bottle became a symbol that altered a whole tribe’s experience of life. Shows the preciousness and purity of the Aboriginal way of life. (the sequel not recommended)

The Golden Seal
A human’s love for a non-human companion and the gifts shared between them. Magic and respect for all life.

The Green Knight
An enigmatic, slow moving experience of the Medieval myth of the Green Knight (drawing from the Celtic Green Man myth). This myth is a tale of initiation, in this case testing a knight’s honor. The violence in it felt like a theatrical contrivance that didn’t wrench guts with its veracity. Along the path, the initiate meets with the feminine whose “cut off head” he has to symbolically retrieve at the bottom of a lake. The director took many liberties in the interpretation of this ancient myth including the way it ended. But its lush cinematic beauty made it worth it.

The Imitation Game
A film ostensibly about code breaking in world war II, however one line in it described for me, what it was really about,“How can you believe anything anyone says, when no one is actually saying what they really mean?†A film questioning the use of language to communicate.