Be a Part of this World Wide Virtual Priest/esshood on Turns of the Wheel!
Join with us in a planetary virtual priest/esshood to create circles within circles within Her, celebrating Her high holy days eight days a year at: Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice with counter quarter celebrations.
These seasonal turns are like acupuncture points where, due to the natural balance present on Earth at those times, we have a greater impact on energetically re-balancing ourselves and the planet!
We encourage you to sign up for the newsletter from the Sanctuary of the Open Heart:
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Articles are written on those Turns of the Wheel and information concerning planetary synchronization and collective upliftment can be found there. This is a wonderful way to stay connected to a world wide network of beings who recognize the powerful opportunity that celebrating these Turns of the Wheel represents in creating potent changes through holding unified intentions together!
Join us by creating your own circle celebrations in your community, honoring these Turns of the Seasonal Wheel! By doing this, we are shifting the tide of re-honoring the Earth in her natural cycles and the Sacred Feminine in all life! Thank you!
Why Participate in Turn of the Wheel Events?
The Sanctuary of the Open Heart events are unique, because we hold a coherent, energetic, alchemical focus with the intention to positively impact the collective mind-field of Earth. We also hold a strong intention to create and offer an unconditionally loving field that all beings who come to share with us as community, feel welcomed and embraced in our love.
Another way our events are different is that as a priestess of the Goddess, Ariel offers transmissions directly off the “mythic, archetypal press” .. received directly to address where we are as a planetary collective, and how we can be of more service to transform the world around us at this time.
Souls and hearts are transformed through coming to our events, in great part because it is our intention to have soulful interactions and conversations with those who come, that leave beings feeling fulfilled and uplifted, rather than disconnected through engaging in meaningless social chatter. It is our desire to connect hearts and weave our magic together. Thus our ceremonies are interactive, that is, you are an integral part of creating the powerfully transformative magic that unfolds through holding this kind of ceremonial space together.
The Winter Solstice is one of four of Gaia’s major acupuncture points for potently impacting the planetary noosphere. Though we hold a celebrative energy of “fun” raising AFTER the ceremony, with wonderful appetizers and libations, the evening is not, by any means “just a party”. It gives us the opportunity to gather together in a mythic, archetypal field, to connect with other like-hearted beings, who know the power of holding coherent, ceremonial space to anchor more light and love on the planet.