The Sirius Alignment High Holy Days July start 23rd ! Maya New Year July 25th
The Queen’s chamber aligns with Sirius (Isis) (light coming in a hole to mark this alignment). And in the King’s chamber the alignment is with Orion (Osirus) during this period.
The helical rising of Sirius means Sirius rising just before the sun rises July 23rd. This marked the flooding of the Nile and fullest alignment with the energies of Sirius, which the Egyptian’s venerated. Short of it.. A great time to celebrate our Oneness through the lens of alignment with Sirius. Those blue heads had a great idea in Egypt.. so why not party-on cosmic Players and Fibronacci Fools!
And you, snother blue person in the cosmic lassoo of the wild bunch of crazy mystics going through the portal of this time to commune with never having gone anywhere!
from the 33rd square of the chessboard..
i bid you a fond hello!
sent from the quantum realms of the terminally delighted!
your sister in continuous grin.. ariel benben
The classic parable of how the inventor of the game of chess used his knowledge of exponential growth to trick an emperor is commonly used to explain the staggering and accelerating growth of technology. The 33rd square on the chessboard represents the first step into the second half of the chessboard, where exponential growth takes off.
And from a poem i wrote for a journey to do ceremony in the caves in Malta.. and was baffled by what could have been meant by it.. finally more clarity.. it does feel like the potential for exponential growth now on Earth.. what say you?
Why Black and Gold?
© copyright 2013 by Ariel Spilsbury
How Will We Transit the Appearance of the 3rd Dimension?
Terma sets the alarm to ring in your dream in some other lifetime
for you to find the hidden treasure set there as a flash flare
you are now Awake
you are now Aware
gloriously awake
riding the dragon currents
on the twin serpents
shushumna time tunnels
serpent ropes
leading to the vertical axis of the World Tree
journey, adventurer
until you reach a dazzling ring of eight stars
Unified balance
embodying the wisdom of shedding
ego’s endless striving and eddying
to reveal the new, vulnerable, sensitive skin of
Corpus Glorifcatum
Shakti radiantly revealing
the golden body
clear as a crystal
blazing like the sun
passing between the worlds
birthed through Extasis Divinitus
into the One
breaking the quantum bonds of separation
With Ecstasy,
“you will findâ€
the serpents of wisdom with rainbow snakes
standing at the 33rd bardo gate
33 vertebrae of the human spine
polarity union
rationality and intuition divine
spirit and matter
east and west
man and woman
heart and head
now and then
Divine Children, take out your cosmic high lighter pens
before the 33rd gate descends
chanting the mantra:
22, 33, 44, 88
for a simple alchemical change of state
the Philosopher’s Stone
True Imagination seeing the shimmering transparent solar gold
That everything is made up of
with heads on the ground gratitude
for the six points of your traveling star
Beauty, Harmony, Peace, Trust, Truth, Love
carrying you through the freefalling stasis
of the Blackness of the Void
between the dimensions
of being born.
the Pheniox in her nest of fire
purple moon descending, red bird arising
from the sleep of the collective dark night of the soul
now shining as a crystal clear diamond
brilliantly in your night sky
Trust the
scarab of eternal life
to roll this brilliant light
into a comforting ball of blackness
reminding you to remember
that you’re headed naturally up the vertical axis
of the Cosmic Tree
No Fear.
Ignition. Impact.
auroral implosion
golden explosion
into a new body of Ecstasy
and a new place among the stars.
and from Gaia’s New DreamCoat:
© copyright 2013 by Ariel Spilsbury
Imagine for a moment that you are a whale, with 360 degree surround sound consciousness and a brain the size of a Volkswagen…certainly large enough to hold the possibility of our surviving to blossom as a human species.. to ‘graduate’ from our limited thinking. Whales are holding that we can …purify the dross of ego mind and thus alchemically raise in frequency to quinta essentia that simply precipitates into another frequency and form. Whales hold a steady focus in our behalf, out of a huge love.. a love so large that it includes within it, even the profundity of a mother’s love, an overwhelming love for every living thing that Is. Whales are holding that.. holding the space that, we as a species can evolve past the 33rd square on the chessboard. They are cheering for us and not selfishly because we have a shared destiny, even though we do, but because they ARE, through the frequency of consciousness that is communicated through their songs, offering these prayers for us continuously, holding that huge possibility and prayer in the songs they sing for us day and night.. surround sound awareness, sung in the oceans of Gaia, wrapping human’s up in the possibility that we will fully wake up to stewardship, giving up power over, dominion-over. The truth is that dominion-over simply is not sustainable. It isn’t even possible in a whole, organic, living system for any length of time. Whales hold the possibility, the vision that we will wake to this, as a direct experience in our bodies. That we will embrace stewardship for all living things, while it is still possible. They hold this for us, recognizing fully, utterly, that all life is sacred and in a way that is assisting us in lifting the vibration on this plane with them, along with the Faerie and Angelic Realms, in the ‘blink of an eye’, that we will become stewards for all Life. They are rooting for us, the whales.. singing for us.. to see, feel, remember fully that All Life IS Connected as One..Living Organism. Each molecule, a part of a living body..Gaia’s living body. Imagine this: whales lovingly hold the consciousness of our Mother Gaia in the ocean waters.. fully embodied consciousness, we humans beings, but synapses within that consciousness. And yet, we must be as big as the whales to forgive ourselves, as they continuously forgive us, that they are still being brutally hunted for their meat. In Lakech.. Ala Ken. As the star Maya say, .â€I am another yourselfâ€.. We are kin.. A howling wolf singing praises to the moon, knows that.. ..because they too, like all life, are holding out for our Awakening, to the visceral knowing, the primal remembrance that we are ONE. The Faerie Realms are a living reminder that All Life Is Sacred that All Life is One Living Organism.